I am a service designer and design strategist.

My job is to help you deal with the ambiguity of research, guide you in your creative design process, and support you in aligning your plans with your goals and values.

Transforming Ideas into Impactful Innovations

My professional interest lies in understanding the multifaceted impact of practices to appreciate their value and potential for fostering innovation both locally and globally. My goal is to ensure we capture the full impact of your efforts.

This comprehensive approach allows us to amplify the impact of projects effectively in three dimensions: up, out, and deep. This means helping projects grow by increasing their reach, replicating successful models in new communities and fields, and —my personal favourite— fostering cultural and behavioural changes.

No matter the scale of your project, I'm here to help you navigate the complexities of design innovation.

  • "Emese always over delivers and is a force of creativity. It's been an absolute pleasure to work with her over the years thanks to her curiosity and positive energy. She has designed and created Unhack Democracy's website as well as Unhack's REWIRE hope-based mindset shift incubator's branding and amazing videos. Emese is not afraid to learn new skills and thinks strategically about different aspects of design."

    Zsófi Banuta, Unhack Democracy

  • "I invited her to join our grassroots AI project as a service designer where she became almost immediately one of the most important team facilitators. Emese is always eager to find the right solution without forcing her opinion. She inspires me and the whole team with her enthusiasm and professionalism by stating very good questions and pointing out important though sometimes hardly detectable problems."

    Gergely Gazda, Code for Hungary

  • “She is self-motivated and a very active team player with strong Design Innovation skills, and a passion for civic participation and technology.”

    Elio Caccavale, Glasgow School of Art