The Existentialist Designer
Overcoming anxiety, self-doubt, and the passion of my ever-evolving professional self

Optimised for Capitalism: The Invisible Politics of UX Design
In contemporary design — especially in digital contexts — certain principles dominate: accessibility, clarity, and user-friendliness. I have a suspicion that the reason design is largely centred around these ideas is that it is, first and foremost, a tool of capitalist production.

Why Existentialist Designer? - How I Moved from Interior Design to Design Innovation
Much like existentialism itself, my journey in design education — and ever since — has been defined by the freedom to create my own meaning, but also by the uncertainty and anxiety that come with having no clear path ahead of me.

Post 0 — Crossing the psychological threshold
Starting this blog is a lélektani határ psychological threshold for me. For years, I’ve been planning to write, but to be honest, I never believed my thoughts were worth reading.